Monday, 17 December 2018

Take a Step Forward for your Baby with Prenatal Testing

The months of pregnancy can bring the most beautiful days of a woman’s life. And in all those beautiful moments there are certain crucial steps that need to be followed to know that you and your baby are doing fine. While there are no more joyous than getting to see your baby for the first time on screen, feel its kicks, there are certain uncalled genetic disorders that may occur in the baby’s body that you cannot determine from the outside.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

How are they examined?
There are special tests called the Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing helps you to look out for any sort of genetic disorder in the baby. It is not harmful and is completely noninvasive. The blood is drawn from the mother’s body which contains the free flowing DNA. When bearing the child, the mother’s blood contains a mixture if the DNA of her own and the placenta. This DNA is then extracted from the blood and then the tests are done in order to understand any abnormality in the DNA sequencing.
What are the abnormalities that are tested?
There are many chromosomal disorders that can be tested with this painful technology. The babies are commonly tested for Down Syndrome in this way.

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